Ubertwitter... "Who's that knocking at ya window..."

Posted 6/16/2009 by Bootsie in

We are firm believers of moving with the times... The times being get a bloody blackberry you backwards inbred... Moving on.
TWITTER... Definitely a micro blog I have grown to adore and twitter away hours of my life on.
Let it be known this site is addictive and quite clearly oozes crack fumes from the screen upon logging in... you'll soon be hooked if you aren't already (word to your mamma on that one).
So when I signed up I was happy to know I could easily access the site via my phone, being a Berry, of course.
Blackberry has a few applications out for twitter at the moment... Twitterberry, TinyTwitter and Ubertwitter are the ones I know of.
However, today we are going to talk about Ubertwitter aka 'Any German Robber'.
Upon first glance Ubertwitter looks like the shiznit.

I frikken know where you live!
I know where your closest cash point is!
I know where you buy your SUPER tampax!
I know where you should be buying your toothpaste! ( So get off your lazy arse and go purchase)
And lastly, I know when you're out and about and where.
OMFG this is a stalker/robbers paradise. Can we get a round of applause for Ubertwitter!!
No?! Am I the only one clapping? Thought so.
Do not be sucked in and do not allow the whole of twitter to know your whereabouts... WISE UP BREDRIN!!
Or just give us your door keys, address and a trolley and let us be the ones supermarket-sweeping through your DVD collection.

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