Follow me on Twitter

Posted 1/22/2009 by Shystie in
Ayo guys, you may of seen my facebook updates getting changed via Twitter. .

I recently signed up to it and what it is, is i update it via my phone or when im fooling about on my mac online and let you know what im up to there and then and you can reply to me, then i'll hit you straight back. .

Its quite dope as i like the facebook updates, but this way instead of me always having to log into facebreezy, i can just doing it via my phone, which saves time etc. So yeh if you wana follow me without getting arrested, just click on the button FOLLOW then you can be updated on whats gwaaaaaarnin with me right now or what and how im feeling or just talk to me via it, ya diiiig!!!! <----Just click the link and thats all you gast to doo

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